
Thoughts and considerations on life, the universe and anthroposophy by Daniel Hindes. Updated occasionally, when the spirit moves me.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Anthroposophy and Ecofascism 68

Continuing my commentary on the 22nd paragraph of Peter Staudenmaier's Anthroposophy and Ecofascism.

Now I am not familiar with the case of Rainer Schnurre (nor, apparently, is Peter Staudenmaier, who's cited sources are limited to the reference on one page of Oliver Gedden's Rechte Ökologie). But even if everything claimed there is true (and does not represent any selective presentation or out-of-context quotation of Mr. Schnurre's views) we have one individual with racist views. By no standard of scholarship does this prove that an entire group of tens of thousands of people who have read the same author must therefore also be racists, nor does it tell us anything about Steiner’s own views. Indeed, given the overt agenda the Geden is pursuing I would submit that further validation is warranted. It would indeed be puzzling to find Schnurre speaking publicly about overcoming racism while simultaneously espousing overtly racist positions. While not impossible, it does beg critical examination rather than wholesale acceptance. That Geden claims Schnurre is a racist has been uncritically accepted by Peter Staudenmaier. [Note: I have since heard that Rainer Schnurre was informed of the charges, and has retained a lawyer in this case. He got depositions from several people who were present and who swore that he said no such thing.]